TACET is a project that was oriented towards students and their mental wellbeing. The team's main goal was to design a product to encourage breaks, in order to increase productivity and diminish procrastination. TACET consists of a smart study timer that tells the user when to take breaks when working and suggests what to do during this pause, based on the student’s personal interests.

Group Project for Human-Centered Design Engineering
The problem identified
60% college students feel so stressed they can't get their work done on more than one occasion
Our initial user analysis showed that most users felt stressed due to an intense workload combined with poor time management
It was also discovered that taking regular breaks while studying helps users study smarter, since it increases the users energy, productivity and ability to focusÂ
Our goal was to design a product to help students to take regular breaks that involve any kind of "productive procrastination"
The product is designed to sense the user's movement during their break and activates the LED lights
After creating a tangible prototype, which featured a device designed to function as a timer prompting users to take regular and productive breaks, comprehensive user testing was conducted
Prototype includes a breadbord, arduino nano, ADXL 345 accelerometer, an LED, and a 3D printed model to scale
Brand Identity
TACET is a brand lead by university students who have grown up where addicting apps, that highly influence procrastination
"Tacet" originates from the latin "silent" and is a note for the musician to remain silent
The brand logo was developed using the Tacet symbol. The green colour represent mental health awareness
The brand's vision is to be a student-centric brand where students have a voice in developing a product to minimise stress

Project Documentation